Tuesday, March 24, 2009


After four years of working really hard and developing a fairly sophisticated video product, our investment has paid off: Yesterday, along with an investor/partner, we signed the papers for a new company called Zoom Factor, Inc., which will market video solutions to communities and industries across the country.

Zoom Factor has purchased rights to intellectual property developed by Stellar Media, putting that company in the black.

And for the first year at least, Zoom Factor has the capital in the bank to operate and show progress.

The last half of 2008 was tough, full of moments of extreme doubt, anxiety, and worry. At Thanksgiving I vowed to cover my bases and apply for full-time jobs, just in case. I applied for between 50 and 60 jobs over the next four months. Number of interviews granted: Zero. It's a similar story I've heard from friends at least as qualified as me.

We've got a lot of work ahead of us to make this new company successful. And I'm struggling to line up the people I need to run the old one. But, looking around, I'd say I have it really good.

With a little of the stress relieved, we might even have time to blog again!


Katy said...

Congratulations, Larsons! That's wonderful news indeed!

audipat said...

So excited about this new opportunity for you! Congrats!

angela | the painted house said...

I've been wondering about you all--I'm so glad that you have this new opportunity. Sounds like the right move for you both. Exciting!

(Want to see you all soon...craving a V1 at Los Amigos...)