Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Panacea

This morning I am enjoying my time at Panacea, a coffee shop here in Waynesville that has turned into, well, my panacea. I've done some traveling, drank coffee in much bigger, fancier places, but I'm here to tell you - this place tops them all. It's got an old warehouse feel, with brick walls, concrete floor, bright artwork, and best of all, delicious coffee. They roast all their beans in house, and they've also got a great lunch menu that is unlike most in this small town - translation, I don't think anything there's anything deep-fried on the whole menu!

I'm finishing up a big editing project due on Friday, so I've been dropping Stella off at her little preschool and coming here to work for the few hours that she's there. It's been such a great release. Yes, I've been working, but it feels good. Accompanied by two cups of delicious coffee (yes, one was decaf - I am trying to be a somewhat responsible pregnant woman), surrounded by the buzz of friends chatting, professionals meeting, and coffee beans grinding. And the most peaceful part of all - I'm not chasing a two year old around the place.

Though it's time to go get her now, and my heart is aching to see her. It's ridiculous how excited I am to have some space, yet how desperately I miss her after only a few short hours. Here I come, my Stella Bell!

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