Thursday, January 04, 2007

Big-Hearted Girl

There's a Queen song (or maybe I'm thinking of a Spinal Tap song) with a chorus that sounds a lot like "Big Bottomed Girls make the (blah-blah-blah) world go round." My wife will laugh because she knows that I never get radio lyrics right. It's unfortunate because there's SO MUCH to learn there, right?

Marian's criticism of my radio knowledge is, of course, one of her flaws. But it is one of very few. (She also thinks I dress funny. Hey, Marian, clue phone: when you tuck your pants-legs into your socks you feel warmer!) I can tolerate these peanut gallery comments, because there are so many other things to love about Marian.

Marian is a big-hearted girl. She not only cares about her own children and family and shows it, but she cares about you, too, probably. She has enormous capacity for empathy. (My tank is nearly empty these days, and I'm trying to grow the supply, but it's hard because I'm old and cratchety with a few gray hairs.) Marian is actually moved to tears when someone is hurting in the world. It's not the silliness of a woman who bawls because "the poor mousy is being hurt by the kitty-catty!" It's a genuine concern.

When people tell me I have a wonderful wife, I just nod and say: "Yes. I interviewed widely."

A good marriage, I'm convinced, is one in which two people make each other better.. I'm not talking about marrying a drill seargent - though some female drill seargents are quite hot! (Just kidding, Marian. Correction: They're all ugly!) Yes, I'm sure that some of the faults Marian and I share do reinforce one another. But overall I have to thank her for helping me be a better person (and a much better dresser than I would be otherwise).

Mostly I just count myself lucky to have her in my life. I don't deserve her, but I'm not complaining.


Lance said...

Marian, please post a picture of Eric with his pant legs tucked into his socks.

erin said...

Love this post! Can't wait to read Marian's rebuttal.