So I secretly read all of my friends' friends' blogs, and one that I checked recently had this post. Even though I don't know this person, it was still fun to read, so I thought I'd do one too - and I've been having major blog writer's block lately. Or maybe just major sleep deprivation.
So here goes:
1. I always thought I would get married when I was 29 and not have kids until mid-thirties or so. I've been married 7 years now, have 2 kids, and just turned 30 this year.
2. When we were Peace Corps volunteers in the Gilbert Islands, we listened to various animals (chickens and pigs, primarily) being killed daily. It quickly became just part of our lives there.
3. I have had salmonella and dengue fever, and when I came home from overseas, I had five parasites living in my gut.
4. My dad died of cancer just four years ago. I found out I was pregnant with Stella 2 weeks after he died.
5. I love cloudy, rainy days in the mountains.
6. I don't think either of my daughters look like me.
7. I hate birds.
8. I also hate animals like guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, ferrets especially - anything vermin-y like that.
9. I am a complete OCD neat freak - everything must have its place, which doesn't happen much with two little kids in the house. I've really had to dig deep to embrace the chaos.
10. Some of my best friends are from elementary school.
11. I dream of building a green-built home with environmentally friendly features - solar panels, radiant floor heating, bamboo floors, etc. etc.
12. If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be New Zealand.
13. I love country music. I also love hip-hop. Stella and I have our own rendition of SexyBack by Justin Timberlake - I've GOT to get that on videotape.
14. I love to cook.
15. I look forward to working for our company when these kids start school.
16. I want another baby. Yes, Meg's not even 4 months old.
17. My favorite clothing store is Old Navy.
18. I HATE hot weather. I wouldn't want to live anywhere warmer than here. Summer temps around here hover around 80 degrees.
19. Swimming laps is my favorite exercise. Not that I've done it in a while, but I love to do it.
20. I don't really like holiday decorating.
So there. Send me yours too!